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Low Price Clinic

Appointments cost £20 per session, including the prescription. AlixHomeopathy clinic aims to provide high-quality homeopathic care for all those who need it, regardless of their financial means. To find out the clinic’s location click on Contact.

Regular Consultations

Appointments cost £50 per session. If available, remedies will be provided if available. Sessions take place at the clinic or online. To find out the clinic’s location click on Contact.

What we do

Coping with ill health at the moment is not always simple. Homeopathy offers alternative and practical solutions to deal with conditions such as sore throat, earache, flu, diarrhea, vomiting, sleeping problems, backache, headache and many more other ailments. The homeopathic clinic is not intended to replace medical consultations, or the need have yourself or your child checked properly by a doctor. However, when there is no emergency, homeopathy can cope with every day situations effectively and safely.

What is homeopathy

Homeopathy is a safe, effective and holistic system of medicine developed over 200 years ago. The homeopathic remedies are non-toxic, non-addictive and have no dangerous side effects. They are particularly safe to use for babies, children, and pregnant women. Homeopathy can be used alongside normal medical treatments